Let's Explore

Information Technology & Cyber Security, Photography, and more to come soon

Consumer Reviews
The number one question I’m asked is when should I start a website and the answer is yesterday. Everyone is online yet so few have a platform to introduce themselves away from the divisive platforms everyone knows. You’re onto something with this site! Make it evolve as you grow and you’ll do great.
Carole Spinner
What a novel idea putting the resume on your site I wouldn’t have thought about it. I’m a professional photographer and I’m really excited to see the evolution in your gallery. Hopefully you’re going to have a place for people to purchase prints?
Chris Germany
I’ve always wanted to create an education channel on YouTube but I look so dumb on camera. Maybe I can just write it out like a blog instead? I’m sure your content will inspire me to do it myself, thanks for the motivation.
Regina Burton


Outlining my past, defining the present, and building the future.


Whether it’s sharing my resume in order to take that next step, introducing myself to a new client, or creating content via blog’s, videos, and photos I’m embracing what is uncomfortable so that I can become a better teacher and student.

Knowledge like steam is power

Projects in the works

Goal for these three is by end of 2021

I under estimated this one but it will be done!

Some data should always remain on premises but for everything else the cloud is our future.

Linux first, then Python.

What do you want me to create next?